#IAmRemarkable Week 2024

#IAmRemarkable Week 2024 (8-12 July) featured virtual talks, facilitator events and #IAmRemarkable workshops. Thank you to everyone who watched, participated and engaged in the activities to celebrate the power of diversity, inclusion and allyship.
All talks are now available on demand on YouTube.

Watch now on demand

Virtual Talks and Panels

Discover the stories of influential thinkers, creators, makers, doers and business leaders through virtual talks and panel discussions.

Turn your passion to your day job

Cristina Lazic

Jul 11

Join us for an inspiring discussion with Cristina on following her passion, balancing the roles of motherhood and music, and being a trailblazing woman in the male-dominated music industry.

Watch now >

Women Beyond Walls

Sabrina Mahtani

Jul 9

In conversation with human rights lawyer and creator of the 'Women Beyond Walls' podcast shares her work with women in the justice system. Hosted by Laura Cook.

Watch now >

A Lifetime of Fighting for Change

Peter Tatchell

Jul 10

Join a watch party showcasing Peter Tatchell, a human rights icon who has campaigned for social justice for 57 years. Hosted by Junior Beaman.

Watch now >
Image of Anna Vainer smiling

Facilitator only event - Q&A with Anna Vainer

Anna Vainer

Jul 8

Anna Vainer, President of Rmrkblty.org will present an intro to #IAmRemarkable Week and open the stage for any questions the #IAmRemarkable Facilitators might have.
The event is now available to view on the facilitator hub.

Watch now >
Image of Akua Nyame-Mensah standing with her hands crossed, wearing glasses and smiling

Facilitator Learning Series - Self Leadership skills

Akua Nyame-Mensah

Jul 8

In this conversation around self-leadership, Akua will be exploring the three critical elements to being resilient in an ever-changing and connected world. This session will offer participants a framework for engaging with uncertainty and change.
The event is now available to view on the facilitator hub.

Watch now >

Daily Wellness Sessions

Shreya Prasad and Dr LaVerne Adams

Jul 11

The community enjoyed daily bite sized Wellness Sessions, led by two #IAmRemarkable Platinum facilitators - Shreya Prasad and Dr. LaVerne Adams.

Watch now >

Take part in #IAmRemarkable Week

Profile picture of Anna Vainer

Being aware of our own unique accomplishments, and learning about those of others, helps us unleash the power of diversity together as a community.

Anna Vainer, President of the Board, Rmrkblty
Challenge icon

Confidence Boosting Challenges

Boost your confidence and amplify your self-promotion skills by participating in these challenges. Track your progress and encourage others to join in by sharing your updates on social media.

Challenge 1

Reflect on and embrace your achievements

Challenge 1 - Reflect on and embrace your achievements

Take your #IAmRemarkable Week journal, or open up your notebook, and write down the top 10 achievements you’re most proud of – 5 personal and 5 professional. Refer to this list whenever you need a little confidence boost or if you have an interview coming up!

Particularly proud of something? Share it on social media and encourage your friends and family to join you on this self-confidence journey! Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 2

Replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk

Challenge 2 - Replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk

Think of how you would describe yourself to another person and list your most used words in the journal. Spotted any negative ones?

Try to approach them from a different perspective by asking yourself, “What would my best friend say?  For example, if you listed ‘slow decision maker’, consider that instead, you are a ‘considerate decision maker’. Be honest with yourself and truly step outside of your comfort zone - share this exercise with others! Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 3

Create an action plan for your dream goal

Challenge 3 - Create an action plan for your dream goal

Write down 1 big aspiration you’ve always had on your bucket list, and make a 10 step action plan to reach it including dates you’d like to complete each step by. This technique can help you visualise your goal, and make it seem far more achievable which will boost your confidence and internal motivation to succeed.

Don’t forget to tick off the steps as you complete them to keep yourself accountable! Encourage others to strive toward their goals too. Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 4

Make each day count

Challenge 4 - Make each day count

Break down your day into 5 simple steps – big or small. This can be something as simple as reading, exercising, meditating or taking a look at your action plan to see if there’s anything you can achieve today! Tick them off as you complete each one accordingly and at the end of the day take a moment to appreciate what you have achieved.

Share this tip on social media and it may help someone else feel empowered too! Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 5

Advocate for others

Challenge 5 - Advocate for others

Introduce a 3 step approach to actively amplify the voices of those who are less well represented and ensure every voice is heard. The first step is to make sure you attribute ideas correctly, then acknowledge accomplishments and finally, try asking probing questions to understand them better.

Think about a great achievement that a peer, friend or family member has recently accomplished - take a note and don't forget to remind them how remarkable they are.

Invite others to do the same. Tag them on social and tell them why you are impressed! Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 6

Look for role models to mimic and learn from

Challenge 6 - Look for role models to mimic and learn from

Look for role models that are doing a great job at self-promotion and are confident in themselves. Choose people that inspire you – this could be a family member, someone at work, or even a public figure.

List 3 people that motivate you to improve your self-promotion ability - be specific and add exactly what selected role models are doing right to achieve their goals. The more specific you get the more implementable it will be in your everyday life!

Invite others to do the same. Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 7

Gather feedback and learn from it

Challenge 7 - Gather feedback and learn from it

Have a sincere conversation with your peers, family, and friends about how they perceive you; then spend some time evaluating their feedback. The next step is to list the invaluable insights into 5 strengths and 5 areas of improvement to become your ‘ideal self’.

And don’t just stop here, turn this feedback process into a regular habit! The more you do it, the bigger the benefits you’ll see. Encourage others to do the same. Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Challenge 8

Make self-reflection a habit

Challenge 8 - Make self-reflection a habit

Even if this is the last challenge of this confidence-boosting adventure, the work doesn't stop there. Take 15 minutes to reflect on what you’ve achieved during this challenge, and write down at least one thing that made you feel proud. Make a habit of doing it by continuously reflecting at the end of every week - before you know it, you’ll find yourself adding more and more to your list of achievements from Challenge 1.

Loved completing #IAmRemarkable Week challenges? Invite others to participate! Don't forget to tag #IAmRemarkable

Track your progress

Share your challenge progress

Get inspired by the highlights from 2022

55,000 participants from over 70 countries joined #IAmRemarkable Week in September 2022. Over 200 organisations also celebrated the power of diversity, inclusion and allyship with us. 15+ virtual talks from previous years await you on demand.

Book your place at an #IAmRemarkable Workshop

Learn more about the #IamRemarkable movement or contact us at [email protected]

Book a workshop
#IAmRemarkable Week poster